Oh Internet

posted in: Writings | 2

Here is a poem dedicated to the mighty Internet.

Oh Internet

The mighty old orbiter, you seem to be unaware
You have evolved more than a funfare
With dishes and wires and fibers alike.

Crossing borders and jumping mountains
Riding trains and in dancing fountains
You continue to leverage your might.

You are no one’s but you own all
Tell me the truth, can you fall?
Save yourself from a grand overhaul.

Handshake with music or the blinking light
You fight and fight Oh the new age knight!
Your absence means a senseless life.

Copy Right DK 2015 Published 10/20/2015

2 Responses

  1. Alisha

    Very intriguing poem. I like it. I am so very thankful to live in this day and age where there is so much opportunity for us because of the internet! 🙂

    • xdbworks

      Thank you Alisha. I agree with you and very thankful to it. It is almost like this ” people who know it love it and crave more of it, and those who know nothing about it are happy as can be”

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