(Credit Card Fraud – Alert) Home Depot – Credit Card/ Debit Card Potential Breach News

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Home Depot is working with banks and law-enforcement agencies to investigate a potential breach of customer credit- or debit-card data.

Tips to make sure you are not a victim:
Keep an eye on your transactions. If possible on a real time manner by logging on to your credit card account, bank accounts etc.

Make sure you turn on Alerts for all your bank and credit card accounts. Especially the accounts which you no longer use or are dormant.

Useful apps:
Billguard :
A very simple app that let’s you track all your accounts. The developers are very active and making improvements and accepting feedback.

Some of the notable features are, Expense categorization,
Intuitive interface and charge flagging ( Billguard will notify merchants of a fraudulent activity upon your request and work with your merchant for resolution on a click of a button)

Has tracking and categorization. The interface is not intuitive anymore and does not fully perform unauthorized charge removal. A good alternate for Billguard.

For a detailed  review of Billgaurd, please see my blog post here – (Screen – Review) Money Tracker by Billguard App, Finance Tracking – http://wp.me/p8f54-8i

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