Tendle Talasani

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Tendla Talasani
From the good old recipes from my mom. This is a Konkani favorite dish. Simple to make and healthy.
Prep Time 30 Minutes
Cook Time 10 Min
Passive Time 20 Min
Prep Time 30 Minutes
Cook Time 10 Min
Passive Time 20 Min
  1. Cut the ends of tendle
  2. Crush the tendle
  3. Crush Garlic
  4. In a cooking dish, add oil and then add garlic and the red chili and cook till you smell a garlic aroma and when it turns a bit brown.
  5. Add Tendle and cook on low flame for another 10 min till the Tendle are crisp. Keep stirring occasionally.
Recipe Notes

A quick recipe for a tasty meal with dal and rice.

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